Benefits of Rescuing a Pet

It’s no secret that having a pet can make even the gloomiest people happy. Having a pet improves both mental and physical health, giving you a best friend for life.
With October being Adopt-A-Dog Month, it could get you thinking about getting a new pet. If you do decide to get one, we highly encourage you to rescue a pet from a shelter or rescue center instead of buying one. Here’s why:
You Save A Life
The most important reason why you should rescue a pet instead of buying one is that you would be saving a pet’s life. Many shelters and rescue centers are overpopulated as it is, causing places to have to put down pets who never get homes.
You could save a pet’s life simply by giving the shelter or rescue center a chance. You never know who’s patiently waiting for you to pick them!
You Save Money
Buying a pet can cost anywhere between $500 and $1,000 dollars if you go to a breeder for them. Not only that, but you then have to get everything the pet needs, such as getting shots and spaying and neutering them.
To rescue a pet, it usually only costs $50 to $200, and shelters regularly have discount adoption days. Additionally, most shelters require all animals to be spayed and neutered, so that’s less money you have to spend.
You Can Choose What You Want
People usually have a pretty good idea of the type of pet they want before they start looking for one. The perfect thing about shelters is they have all kinds of pets, even exotic ones in some places.
When you rescue a pet, you get to see all kinds of different breeds, ages and sizes. You have a larger selection to choose from, and you can decide what’s perfect for you.
Additionally, many shelters allow you to get to know different pets and play with them before making a final decision. That way you know you and your new pet are meant for each other.
You Can Get a Trained Pet
It’s common to hear people think that shelter pets are there because they can’t be trained or are bad. However, that’s not the case at all.
Many of the pets that come to shelters are either brought there by their owners or from the streets because they are lost. Many shelter pets are in fact trained and very well, so that eliminates a step you would have to take if you got a puppy or kitten.
You Fight Puppy and Kitten Mills
When you get a puppy or kitten from a pet store, a flea market or online, there is a huge chance you are getting them from a puppy or kitten mill.
A puppy or a kitten mill is a factory-style breeding facility that only cares about profit, not the animal they have or create. The animals there are housed in horrible conditions where the moms are kept in cages their whole lives, only used to carry the babies to term and usually never adopted or shown any love or affection.
These types of places are still in business because they know how to deceive people and make them think they are getting a puppy or kitten from a safe place. By adopting a pet, you avoid this and don’t allow horrible people like that to profit.
Connect With the Pet Experts
We invite you to contact Academy Animal Hospital with any questions you might have about your newly adopted pet. Our aim is to help every pet come out healthier and happier after visiting us.
Not only do we provide general veterinarian services, but we also board pets here. All of our highly trained staff members treat every pet who comes through our doors like their own.