5 Tips for a Pet-Healthy House

Your home is a big contributor to the health of your pet. By maintaining a pet-healthy household, you eliminate dangers and promote lifelong wellness.
Let’s look at 5 things you can to do create a home environment that’s great for pets.
No. 1: Minimize Stress
Pets naturally pick up on their owners’ stress levels. When you’re anxious, your pet can easily sense it and become anxious too. Pets can’t understand the deeper reasons for human emotions, so they may have trouble coping.
Do whatever you can to minimize stress in the home environment. Keep an eye out for signs that your pet might be feeling stressed, like:
- Sudden hair loss
- Constant licking
- Hiding more than usual
- Strong desire to be near you, or away from you
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Lack of appetite
- Desire to sleep more than usual
Report symptoms like these to your vet and try to relieve pet stress through lots of daily exercise together.
No. 2: Eliminate Dangers
A pet-healthy house is one that is free of household dangers. Pet-proof your home to keep your pet away from things that can hurt them. The list of potential hazards is surprisingly long. Many of these things can’t be eliminated altogether, but can be kept away from pets:
- Dangerous houseplants
- Foods and drinks that can poison pets
- Chemicals, cleaners, and solvents
- Cords and wires
- Medicines
- Toys and games
- Stray clothing, socks, and shoes
- Trash
No. 3: Offer Indoor Exercise Options
In a thunderstorm or snowstorm, it’s not wise to take your pet out to play. The same is true on blistering hot days, when the heat index makes it risky for pets and humans alike.
That’s why a pet-healthy house is full of fun options for indoor play. No matter the weather or time of day, you and your pet can get some exercise. It doesn’t have to be expensive - try some of these low-cost ideas:
- Boxes with paw-sized cut out holes, with a treat sealed inside
- Soft toys and balls that can be thrown
- A long hallway or wide room where you can play a game of chase back and forth
- A version of the “shell game” where your pet finds a treat
- Toys for “tug of war” games
- A laser pointer or cat dancer for cats to chase
No. 4: Consider Monitoring
If you must be away from your pet for extended periods of time, consider adding some home monitoring that will help you stay connected to your pet. These options are usually fun and reassuring for both you and your pet - although you must observe carefully to ensure it doesn’t add any anxiety to your pet’s day.
- One-way cameras that allow you to monitor your pet
- Two-way camera/monitor setups that allow you to interact from a distance
- Motion sensors that are triggered by your pet’s size/height in a certain area
- Pet sitting services that will walk and check on your pet during the day
No. 5: Discuss Household Questions With Your Vet
Finally, bring up any household concerns with your vet. You’d be surprised how often a casual conversation about something happening at home reveals something important. Your vet can gain more insight into your pet’s overall health, which is good for everyone involved.
If you have any questions about keeping your pet healthy and happy, reach out to Academy Animal Hospital.